A Note of Explanation

So I just published my 3 and 4 year updates, though they are a bit late. I wrote those at the time they refer to, but didn’t publish them for a couple reasons. I thought I’d just post a brief (as brief as I can be) note of explanation.

  1. Consider everything I’ve published so far to be a work-in-progress, rough drafts, or just published notes / information dumps. I was hoping to wait until I could put some more effort into making them more clear and concise and with final conclusions and proofs — but that never worked out. Every time I started writing or editing them, I just got frustrated — there’s too much to say, and there’s too much that’s still unknown, and it’s still ongoing, so even though its been 4+ years, it’s too early for any final conclusions.
  2. I’m not even going to go back and re-read what I wrote to confirm or to revise anything I got right or wrong. That kind of thing is what lead to me never feeling like they were “publish-ready” in the first place. So better late and unfinished and imperfect, than nothing at all — is what I’m thinking now. And I’m just going to hit publish before I think too much about it and change my mind again.
  3. For a time I was also thinking I’d just wait and post a final update when this experiment is over and there’s nothing that’s still up in the air, unsolved, unaswered, etc — and I was hoping that time was right around the corner, but its still ongoing, and who knows how long it will take. I’m just going to accept its going to have to be a work-in-progress for as long as it takes.
  4. I took very long breaks from thinking, research, reading or writing about Vitamin A and Health, in general.

Basically, even though this is all unfinished work, I’m just throwing it out there for now, just in case someone wants to dig through the whole big mess and find anything useful or helpful to them.

I’ve been saying this since the beginning, but I’ll just have to say it again: one day I hope to reach the end of this experiment, and formulate my best conclusions, and write them down and publish them in a better format — like a proper website that doesn’t have ads (I can’t get rid of them with the free version of wordpress) — in order to be most helpful to whoever wants to read it. Until then… feel free to dig through the notes / “rough draft” (aka this entire blog).